Safa Erden


Software Developer


Some Projects

microverse summit
A tablet web app for enrolling macroverse online courses. This application is built as a front end app consuming a Ruby on Rails API separately deployed to Heroku.
JavaScript, React, Ruby, Redux, Rails, Bootstrap
icy tower
Icy Tower
This is a platform game set in a tower, where the player's goal is to jump from one "floor" to the next and go as high as possible without falling. Inspired from the original game Icy Tower.
JavaScript, Phaser
book store
Book Store
This full-stack web application is built with Rails which enables users to create their own library and publish their own books.
HTML, CSS, Ruby, Rails
weather app
Weather App
A simple weather application in which you can search for a location and get that location's weather information.
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, OpenWeatherMap API